Members Celebrate BREC's 86th Annual Meeting
834 members participated in Black River Electric Cooperative’s 86th Annual Meeting, Saturday, June 1st. Members were greeted by a large American flag hanging from two bucket trucks. Members registering received a $10 electric bill credit and a registration gift. They also voted in the board of directors’ election and were entered in prize drawings for larger bill credits.
After registration was completed, the annual business meeting was held in the Kelly A. Burlison Middle School cafetorium. General Manager John Singleton reported on the cooperative’s activities during the last year, including the co-op’s solid financial condition. Singleton said, “Despite increasing peak demands, lower than expected kwh sales and numerous weather events, BREC remains operationally strong and financially sound. Black River Electric Cooperative is continuing the mission to provide safe, reliable and affordable electricity to our members.”
Singleton also reported that the Board of Directors has announced a capital credit return of $876,000. This is the 53rd consecutive year the member-owned, not for profit cooperative has returned credits to its members. In all, more than $29,000,000 has been returned to members during that span.
Members re-elected Tom Mooney of Fredericktown and Harold T. Ellinghouse of Piedmont; and elected Dennis R. Mouser of Patton, to serve three-year terms on the cooperative’s Board of Directors. Thirty-five members won electric bill credits ranging from $25-$100 and Whitney Crites of Fredericktown won the $500 Grand Prize Drawing. Prize drawings were held Monday at BREC headquarters and winners were notified and posted on www.brec.coop.
BREC would like to thank everyone who attended the Annual Meeting as well as the Fredericktown R-1 School District for their cooperation and the Fredericktown Police Department for their assistance with traffic control. Members’ participation in their cooperative is truly appreciated.
Prize Drawing Winners
$25 Electric Bill Credit Winners
Trixie St. Clair - Fredericktown |
James Crowell - Fredericktown |
Charles Archambo - Fredericktown |
Michael Riehn - Millersville |
Pamela Kugal-Rolls - Arcadia |
Donald Middendorf - Fredericktown |
Anne Debold - Fredericktown |
Deborah Baxter - Fredericktown |
Willis Lewis - Malden |
Charles Rhodes - Marble Hill |
Doyle Ward Jr. - Fredericktown |
Cross Roads United Methodist - Sedgewickville |
Ray Million Sr - Marquand |
Ronnie Watson - Fredericktown |
Joe Pritchett - Fredericktown |
Lois Alford - Patterson |
Jerry Callahan - Piedmont |
Frank Muellersman - Fredericktown |
Donnie Smith - Millersville |
Jessie Davis - Marble Hill |
$50 Electric Bill Credit Winners
Jeffery Amelunke -Fredericktown |
Robert Crandal - Fredericktown |
Phill Thompson - Fredericktown |
Sammy Mungle - Marble Hill |
David Martin - Marquand |
G Jason Despain - Fredericktown |
Methodist Church of Patton |
Nelda Walker - Patton |
Terri Maxwell - Fredericktown |
Jack Adams - Piedmont |
$100 Electric Bill Credit Winners
Joshua Silven - Fredericktown |
Gloria Gourley - Fredericktown |
Mark Stumbaugh - Fredericktown |
Donald Krieger Jr - Fredericktown |
Devan Bangert - Sedgewickville |
$500 GRAND PRIZE - Whitney Crites - Fredericktown